Ohio’s dairy farmers do more than just produce milk — they create jobs, contribute to their communities and help drive Ohio’s economy. The total economic impact of dairy products produced and sold in Ohio is $35.1 billion.
Dairy farmers and dairy companies are local small busines owners, parents, school supporters and active members of community organizations. Dairies support the economic well-being of rural America, creating jobs and producing revenue locally — while also acting as an important contributer to our nation’s overall economy.
Food and agriculture is the number one contributor to Ohio’s economy and farming provides one out of every eight jobs in Ohio, according to the Ohio Department of Agriculture.
In Ohio, dairy farming families milk more than 251,000 dairy cows on more than 1,450 dairy farms. Dairy farmers and their employees are proud members of the essential workforce and as milk makes its journey from farm to table, it employs farm workers, trucker drivers, construction workers, factory workers, retailers and more.
Ohio’s dairy industry provides about 136,300 total jobs for Ohioans, based on a recent report by the International Dairy Foods Association. Nationally, says IDFA research, the dairy industry creates more than 3.2 million U.S. jobs and has an overall economic impact of $793.8 billion.